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Lower Prices For Parents, More Money For Schools is committed to generating thousands of dollars every year that our partner schools can use at their discretion to fund their particular school’s needs. Our unique business model enables us to reduce prices to families, accept a fixed fee for each photo package purchased and donate the remainder of the cost of the package directly to the school. Since our founding in 2005, we have presented schools with more than $9.1 million.

This $9.1 million has supported a variety of programming throughout our client network that otherwise would have gone unfunded. From purchasing school necessities, such as textbooks and microscopes for laboratories, to funding student curriculum and programming, including advanced reading programs and student scholarships, the money generated by has supported a wide variety of invaluable initiatives.

For more information on how can help your school, visit the For Schools page.

Case Studies

How other schools have used their proceeds to purchase things for their school: