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We've Created SchoolPictures.Com to Make Your Life Easier and Give you Peace of Mind!

Since we created 13 years ago, there's one thing we've discovered. We've learned that you, the school Secretary, have a huge job in ensuring everything in the school runs smoothly — every single day of the school year. It's a daunting task.

We've also learned that Picture Day for many schools is a significant source of stress for many school Secretaries. We've even heard from some that they wish they could call in sick because they know all the headaches that are coming on that day:

  • Frustrated teachers; because their children are taken out of class for too long.
  • Irritated Principals; because children are late for their bus since they're still in line waiting to be photographed.
  • Anxious parents; well... that list is just too long to print here.

Because was created by a group of 4 retired school Principals, we know the challenges you face as the school's Secretary and we've created our programs and Picture Day systems to ensure a smooth, worry free Picture Day. Through our 40 years in business, we've optimized our systems from our organization and communication with you prior to and during Picture Day. And, while issues after Picture Day are rare, they certainly happen from time to time. Our fully dedicated Customer Service staff is ready to address any challenges that may arise. Just give us a call and rest assured we'll take it from there: the issue will be resolved — correctly, thoroughly and immediately.

We invite you to visit our School Testimonials section to see how our many Secretaries and Principals believe that we've made their lives easier and given them peace of mind.