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Going Above and Beyond

What does your vendor provide?

Everyone says they have great customer service. We think the 'Proof is in the Pudding'. At SchoolPictures.Com, we work to create the industry standard and strive for Excellence. Because we’re a company founded by a group of retired school Principals, we have learned to anticipate issues and proactively worked to resolve them.

To provide excellence in customer service, we have a fully dedicated staff to ensure a flawless experience for your school and families. In the outside chance an issue does arise, our customer service staff is ready to resolve a problem — immediately.

We believe in going above and beyond to provide excellence in customer service. Some examples from over the years include:

  • Driving 5 hours each way to review Picture Day logistics with the Principal of a new school — a week before the event
  • Accommodating a “same day” scheduling change — on our busiest day of the year


I am a Secretary to a high school Principal in one of the larger school districts in Southeastern Michigan. I am also a parent of a graduate of South Lyon High School. was first introduced to me approximately 5 years ago. The Principal in the middle school that I worked for at that time decided we needed a change and took a chance on It is a decision that we have never regretted. Since then, both the Principal and I have moved to other schools; we have taken with us.

The “crew” are simply a delight to work with. They are very accommodating and are always willing to go the extra mile. They have made my job easier, because I do not have to worry about whether picture day will be a success. I make the call; set up the date(s), answer a few questions, and they take it from there. If there is a question or issue, I e-mail them, and the issue is addressed.

You might also like to know that this is the company that just donated all of the shelving to our newly renovated South Lyon District Library.

In this day of economic difficulty, the cost of school pictures can be a little overwhelming. addresses each school individually and puts together packages so that each and every student can have a good experience.

Do I recommend Absolutely!

Christina F. Hicks
South Lyon School District


From a parent of a special needs child:


We received Ethan's photo package some time ago, and the pictures turned out even better than we thought they would. Ethan's class composite came home this past week, and it almost made me cry. You guys did such a great job! I'm so thankful for how accommodating and helpful you were to make this work for us.

J.F., (parent at Cornerstone Elementary, Dexter, MI - February 2017)


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