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We Do What We Say We're Going To Do

What is integrity in business? To us, it's simple. It means we do what we say we're going to do.

We know there are many school picture companies trying to work with your school. Unfortunately, we've heard of some companies who, to secure a school's contract, will offer low prices and significant rebates to schools, only to fail to deliver on those promises.

At SchoolPictures, we pride ourselves on the concept of transparency. We'll provide you with a clear contract of what we'll provide for your school and students, AND, we'll review it with you during our check presentation and annual review.


Hey Ladies,

I wanted to ask you to consider when you start to think about school pictures for next year. Hoben School decided not to renew our contract with our former school photographer. You will find what this company offers is upfront. They bring a great understanding of what a school picture day can be like and they know what the company can do to make it run smoothly.

Their sales representative was honest about his company's prices and services. He is not pushy and will not take up a lot of your time.

Janet Peruski
Hoben School
Plymouth-Canton School District

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